What is SUAN?
SUAN is one of our key service user engagement structures here in St Patrick’s Mental Health Services (SPMHS).
Through SUAN, we gather the views and opinions of our service users. We strongly believe that the lived experience of our service users gives them invaluable expertise and perspectives in mental health recovery.
Members of SUAN are invited to take part in different focus groups, steering committees, working groups or consultations. We seek to listen to and use members’ ideas and opinions to inform how we develop our services.
You can find out more about or register for SUAN here.
If you have any questions about SUAN or would like more information about our service user engagement structures, please phone 01 249 3390 or email sfitzharris@stpatricks.ie to get in touch with our Service User Engagement Lead, Siobhan Fitzharris.
See the SUAN brochure
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Service User Satisfaction Survey