The walk-in service from Service User IT Support (SUITS) provides service users with quick solutions around Your Portal or attending remote appointments.
This walk-in service gives service users the opportunity to have a short session with the SUITS team, without the need for an appointment.
SUITS is a service here in St Patrick’s Mental Health Services (SPMHS) which offers a range of supports to service users, including around using Your Portal, our online patient platform, and accessing remote care through Microsoft Teams.
Where and when the walk-in service is available
The walk-in service is available in both St Patrick’s University Hospital (SPUH) and St Patrick’s Hospital Lucan. In both locations, the service runs from Monday to Friday, excluding bank holidays.
In SPUH, the service runs from 3pm to 4pm in the SUITS Tutorial Room. The room is located along the arts and crafts corridor on the ground floor of SPUH; it is close to the music room, art room and pottery room.
In our Lucan hospital, the walk-in service operates between 10am and 11am. Service users can find the walk-in service close to the Nurses Office. With your back to the main reception desk, move through to the area to the left of the reception area. There is a fixed desk just outside the Nurses Office in this space, where the SUITS walk-in service is available from.
What the walk-in service covers
The walk-in service aims to support service users with quick solutions around using Your Portal or accessing remote appointments.
This includes:
- troubleshooting issues with Microsoft Teams on devices
- resetting passwords for Your Portal
- providing headsets.
Service users can also collect printouts that have previously requested by email to suits@stpatricks.ie. To ensure printed material is ready for that day’s walk-in service, requests should be sent by 10am for collection in our Lucan hospital or by 12pm for collection in SPUH. Otherwise, printed material will be available during the next day’s walk-in service.
If you are a service user who needs assistance from SUITS outside of the areas above, please email suits@stpatricks.ie or call 01 249 3629 to make an appointment.
How the walk-in service works
The walk-in service works on a first come, first served basis, with a queuing system in place. There may be short wait times to be seen; there are seating areas nearby both locations where service users can wait during these times.
If, while the service user is being seen, the SUITS team finds that the issue requires more time, they may schedule a future appointment to go through the issue in more detail.
Please note:
- training is not provided during the walk-in service; the SUITS team provides detailed training sessions on request for service users around registering for Your Portal or when they have a training appointment booked
- devices provided to service users by SPMHS for inpatient stays will not be distributed during the walk-in service; the SUITS team will arrange to deliver these or arrange a separate time to collect these devices and receive training on them
- SUITS cannot provide help with banking, shopping, or other online transactions.
Leanne Cooke, SUITS Administrator Lead, says:
"There has been strong demand for SUITS with more service users using Your Portal and remote services. The walk-in service is developed with service users in mind to make it as easy as possible to get speedy support and answer queries around Your Portal or remote appointments without the need for a full appointment or training session."
"We hope this walk-in service will be helpful for service users."
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Update shared for service users who use Gmail