Mindfulness Programme

The Mindfulness Programme provides eight weekly group training sessions in mindful awareness. The programme aims to introduce service users to the practice of mindfulness for stress reduction through group discussion and experiential practices.

The programme explores ways of helping service users develop the ability to pay attention to the moment and to be more aware of thoughts, feelings and sensations in a non-judgemental way. Developing and practicing this non-judgemental awareness has been found to reduce psychological distress and prevent relapse of some mental ill-health experiences.

The outcomes measure used by the Mindfulness Programme is the Five Facet Mindfulness Questionnaire (FFMQ). The FFMQ assesses the tendency to be mindful in daily life, including five specific facets of mindfulness: observing, describing, acting with awareness, non-reactivity to inner experience, and non-judging of inner experience.

Analysis for 2018 revealed a significant increase in total scores on the FFMQ from pre-intervention to post-intervention.

Five Facet Mindfulness Scale Total Scores

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Alcohol and Chemical Dependence and Dual Diagnosis Programme Outcomes