New patient portal launched in recent months

St Patrick's Mental Health Services (SPMHS) launched Your Portal on 29 June and is Ireland’s first online portal that allows service users to record, share and view their own health-related information using their computer, smartphone or tablet.

Empowering service users

Your Portal enables service users to share their records with other healthcare providers or supporters who are involved in their care, such as family members or their GP, if they choose to do so.

Empowering service users

The successful launch of the online platform is a strategic aim of our five-year strategy, Changing Minds. Changing Lives., and is a timely introduction as GPs and other healthcare providers continue to deliver remote care throughout the current pandemic.

The portal will be rolled out in a number of phases. The first phase enables service users to view appointment details, receive messages from their care team, complete forms contributing to their care and treatment and access links to other resources and websites providing helpful information.

The second and subsequent phases will give service users the option to share key information from their SPMHS electronic health record with their GP such as;

  • Diagnosis
  • Medication prescribed
  • Test results. 

Accessing a patient's records

If a service user chooses to provide access to their record with you, they can send you an invite from within the portal which will allow you to register to access their portal record, and the information that they have chosen to share with you.

Accessing a patient's records

As their GP, you will be able to add information manually to a service user’s portal record, including appointments, allergies, diagnosis, medications, test results and measurements such as vital signs. Through the portal, you can also send and receive messages with your patient and can upload and download documents to or from the patient’s record.   

Service users will also be able to use additional assessments and forms as they become available and use features such as being able to monitor and track mood, sleep or eating patterns and similar, enabling them to discuss these as required during their appointment with their clinician.

As the stages progress throughout the coming months, we will keep you informed on features relevant to GPs, and how to access this service if your patient chooses to share specific information from Your Portal with you. 

For further information or to register, service users of SPMHS can now visit our information page or ring the new Service User IT Support helpdesk on 01 249 3629.

The portal is being supplied in conjunction with Patient Knows Best, the leading supplier of personal health records in the United Kingdom.